This thing is an improvement/remix of the one made by "Misguided" on Feb 9,
The original design allows to hang the headphones under your office desktop. This new remix is based on the veion 4 of his short and large hooks models, that have the bracket bend inwards slightly to reduce some of the sagging of the bracket under load.
This new remix includes the following improvements:
The lower lateral arch has increased its height to provide more protection to the headphones because with the original design I noticed that the headphones used to fall down if a near chair hit accidentaly to them. With this new protection the probability of falling down has been reduced.
The large and short hooks now have the same thickness in the sides of the bracket bend. They have been equalized to give more sturdiness to the whole structure.
The lower corner of the bracket bend has reduced its radius. Now it is equal to the upper corner. It should help to avoid the bending due to the weight of the headphone.
The STL files generated have reduced the size. Now they have 130 Kbytes approx.
To give more opportunities to the Thingivee use of using this remix, different models has been designed for different thickness of shelves / desktops.
There are 4 files for each thickness:
xx.yy_large_high_headphone_hook_sxs.stl (large hook with lower lateral arch increased)
xx.yy_large_normal_headphone_hook_sxs.stl (large hook with original lateral arch)
xx.yy_short_high_headphone_hook_sxs.stl (short hook with lower lateral arch increased)
xx.yy_short_normal_headphone_hook_sxs.stl (short hook with original lateral arch)
The different thickness included are:
10.00 mm
15.00 mm
15.30 mm
19.00 mm
20.00 mm
21.00 mm
22.50 mm
23.20 mm
24.00 mm
25.00 mm
26.00 mm
30.00 mm
35.00 mm
40.00 mm
45.00 mm
50.00 mm
The thing files list has been ordered by the thickness value to facilitate the search.
Please note that only the ones that have the 25.00 mm thickness have been printed/tested succesfully with the desktop I own which is 25 mm thick. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you find any error or you need another thickness not included. Although the ones included should be the most common I would do the best to generate the new thing file with the thickness you need in case of none of the rest helps you.
As Misguided said with his original design, it is recommended using a little bit of double-sided tape (or any temporary adhesive that won't damage the shelf) to attach the hook to the shelf.
Finally I want to give thanks to Misguided for his original design and I hope my work helps as well.